Sunday, January 22, 2012

Three and a Half Weeks... looking back

Eek!  Only three and a half weeks until my baby girl is due to make her grand entrance!  Crazy (and amazing)!  This really has been what I would happily call an easy pregnancy, and I am super grateful for that.  Granted, the first two months or so I was constantly nauseous, which was unpleasant but thankfully fairly short lived.  Outside of that, I've really enjoyed growing this little girl.

Our little girl was created somewhere in Europe.  I'm not totally sure if it was Ireland, Scotland, or England, but she's our little UK souvenir, which I love.  It was super important to my husband Nick that we travel before getting pregnant, and we both thought it would make a great story to get pregnant ON our trip, but neither of us really thought it would be the reality of the situation.  About a week and a half after we got home, I just had this feeling, and sure enough... two positive pee sticks later, I knew!

I wanted to tell Nick in a cute way... it was hard not to spill the beans in the morning before I left for work but I wanted it to be a special moment.  I bought two little onesies that said "worlds best dad" (or something along those lines).  One was a boy onesie, one was for a girl.  I wrapped them up in a little gift bag, and when he got home from work I gave him his present.  At first I'm not sure he totally got what I was saying.  In fact, his response was something along the lines of "oh, these are cute."  I just smiled at him until that little glimmer of realization flickered over his face, and he asked if I was pregnant.  It was a cute moment.  One I will never forget.  The moment when our little twosome became a family.                                          

I want to remember all the little things that I'm sure will be unique to this baby, and this pregnancy.  It's such a special time, but when she's here I feel like it will be too easy to forget in the rush of love and newness of her life, so I'd better write it down.  It's the little things... for instance, I really haven't CRAVED anything during this pregnancy.  Not in your typical "if you don't go get this for my right now I will freak out!" pregnant way that everyone talks about.  Sure, I've wanted the occasional french fry or milk shake, but I think it's been pretty on par with your normal run of the mill cravings.  I've certainly never had a hankering for anything weird like pickles dipped in ice cream or anything like that.  (Thank God)

Picking a name has been harder than we thought it would be.  There were extensive lists made, a few possibilities that were thought about, fought about (no not really.  =)  sometimes you just can't agree on the big stuff like this without a little friendly banter...) and laughed at.  I mean REALLY, Nick has come up with some awesome names, but he's also come up with some DOOZIES.  There's only one name (first and middle) that we've been able to agree on, and for a while I haven't been sure that it will fit her, but it's really grown on me. Now when I think about her, I call her by this name in my head, so I suppose she is named!  (Don't bother asking my friends, because this one is top secret.  A girl has to have some mystery to her, even when she's entering this world.  It just makes things more fun!)  I hope naming our second child will be a little easier, but there's something about the first-born.  It has to be special, and different.

One thing that has not changed that I hoped would... Nick and I are still notorious procrastinators!  Three and a half weeks to go is all that's left.  You'd think we'd have things set up and done by now.
The stripes still need to be taped out and painted on the accent wall in the nursery, we're finally picking up a dresser for her room today, then that needs to get sanded down and painted.  We need to arrange and set up the nursery, decorate, etc.  And then there's the rest of the house to clean.  Because until this nursery is set up, my house will continue to look like a baby store threw up all over it.  Which doesn't make cleaning super effective.  I could make excuses and say that I am nine months preggo and still working full time, but let's be real here, we both just need procrastinators anonymous.  We're that bad.  It's something I'd like to avoid passing down to our little girl, but I'll probably put off learning not to procrastinate until she's well past her formative years.  ;)

We've decided to do cloth diapers.  Which has turned into a little bit of an obsession.  My best friend from childhood is about a month ahead of me and really she could have her little one ANY day now (I know she's hoping today will be the day because he or she has been in there cooking for about 41 weeks now.  Hang in there Martha!) but at any rate, she's doing cloth too.  So we've talked about it, compared notes on our research, shared our excitement over how cute their little bums will be in brightly colored soft and fuzzy cloth...  if that sounds crazy to you, you've probably never really looked at modern cloth diapers.  They're ridiculously adorable!  I just can't wait until my little pumpkin is big enough to fit into them because I know not only will she look cute, but we'll be saving crazy amounts of cash, and I'll be making sure that nothing saturated in gross chemicals is touching the most sensitive parts of my little girl.

Nick has been one of my favorite parts of being pregnant.  He's been so cute and excited and supportive and loving.  I really can't stress enough how lucky I am.  I mean, I've hit husband jackpot here, and I know it.  He's so excited to be a daddy, and so excited that she is a girl.  He talks about how he will be with her, how he will be strict about this and about that, and I can't help but smile.  He has no idea what is about to hit him.  This little girl is going to have him wrapped around her tiny pinky the moment she first locks eyes with her daddy.  We'll see where his resolutions end up then!

The thing that I love most that he does is he will put his mouth right up to my belly and say "I love you little girl" almost every day.  Good Lord does it melt my heart.  Because I know he does, he really loves this little girl already, and he really loves me, and I know we will never have to go without really pure and beautiful love, and that makes me so happy for our little girl.  My dad is amazing, and I know how truly truly blessed I've been to have him.  I've got plenty of girl friends that would kill for a dad like mine.  Who would love them and tell them their beautiful and smart all the time, who'd tell them how proud he is of them, how they can do anything they set their minds to.  It's probably one of the biggest factors that's made me the happy, confident woman I am today.  And my daughter will have a father like that too.  Really, what more could I ask for?

There's so much more, but it will require another post or two... this is getting long and I've got to get ready for church!  I hope you all have an awesome day!

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